Just another WordPress.com weblog


cheers to happy times

not a big fan of rap anymore. but this song i love for its lyric and video. plus the hotness of will smith. he is something else. great man, great actor and seems a great dad too.

incidentally i also came across this today, on Russell Peters’ blog-

“If you still have your father you should hug him and let him know you love him, you’ll be happy you did.”

i’d say hug anyone who means a lot to you. real tight. a lot of us forget how important it is that we have a family that gives love with no demands. Love them back.

This song and post i dedicate to my folks who’ve always had my back. Thanks.

tandoori nights

At length I return to my virtual reality and say- Yellllllooooooooooo peoples!
So, yeah as one major submission after another is slowly working its way out of my stupid life, I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Then I think to myself, let’s update the bloody blog.
Then I think to myself, you’re beautiful, it’s true.
Got one postponement in deadline which makes me go ‘Woohaa, there is a God after all!’ (Dude in heavens, there’s few other things I need help with too, coupla plans here and there. Are we good?)
Now this deadline extension doesn’t help much, except that I can catch bit of rest now and panic later. Still I be happy. And I clap my hands, tap my toes, and nod my head, the works…
What a wonderful world this, a hot global village.

like blogger, like blog

If you read my blogs carefully and do a bit trend spotting, you could tell I’m like. But since that’s a lot of work, I will explain what I mean. Now, don’t start judging me already.

Long intervals between posts, then swiftly 3 of them on the same day but usually all posts are worth one read at least. My blogging habits are quite like me- Lazy, incessantly impulsive and generally nice.

Why did I put that useless piece of information down? Told you I’m impulsive.

Have you read those blogs that give you food for thought? Mine will too, from now on. I have weird questions that persistently bother me. Here’s something I’ve been thinking about- Does everything really happen for a reason? Do we do things for a reason? Is there a reason behind the things we do? Like me writing this and you reading it and thereafter you answering my questions or simply choosing not to? Is there?

PS- I think those 3 questions were essentially the same thing, except with slight variation. But three seems better than one in terms of impact.




immaculate fools

Have you ever wanted to be stylish? You probably are. But it’s not the clothes and blah I’m talking about. I meant style in the everyday things we do.

One of the qualities you could by far attribute to me even without being judgmental is clumsiness. I may act the part of an elegant young woman if required but that is not without pain and effort. Otherwise, the real me is hideously gawky and graceless. I drop, spill, break and trip over things. I crash into people so often, it’s not even funny. Usually it causes acute embarrassment (It might help if I bumped into good humored people instead of the stern, important ones) You can tell I have been somewhere by simply gauging the level of chaos there.

I openly envy those that possess this evil, desirable trait- chic. You don’t just have to look it, you have to live it. HOW does anyone manage that? I’m referring here to those unreal folks who do things perfectly- Light a match on the first strike. Pour water into glasses with not a drop out of place. Put stuff right back where it belongs after they’re done. The people that don’t run into anyone and even if they do, they remain unflustered and gorgeous. Such persons hold complete control of their activities- mind and body forever in co-ordination. They also do not say anything foolish, have impeccable manners and never get flak from anyone. Respect! This stylish community is not to be labeled as mere lookers; for their ready wit, intelligence and comic timing cannot be ignored. Incredible…

Alright, I’m wondering now, if such a clan was to exist and I knew one of them wouldn’t it still be like not knowing them? Most of the time I would not accept his/her being as true. Plus all things perfect are boring after a while. Where’s the unpredictability? The impulsiveness? The madness? This has been one useless blog post. Sorry for wasting your time. Oh, here’s my conclusion anyway. Method in every damn thing is wasted. Clumsiness rules because it is funny, makes people smile and it can also cause serious injury. Therefore, just be perfect in what you honestly like doing. Rubbish the rest.

Moving on…

Welcome to my new space. Changing over to wordpress has been quite a journey, and a reluctant one. I almost felt like I was buying a new house- consulting experts, weighing the pros and cons and filling out long, tedious registration forms. But it had to be done. Much as I have loved every moment of blogging on blog.com it is time to move on.

My other blog is still open to visitors: www.ranjita.blog.com. The collection of posts there marks my evolution as a blogger over nearly two years. There are sweet memories to go with each blog entry and it will be hard to get over that crude, kitschy old webpage. Still, it is a happy ending. This blog is equipped with better features! No lengthy procedures if you want to leave a comment, no technical hitches and no stopping me from responding to your feedback. I am starting to love it.

This is a fully furnished blog with a half-baked author. Hope you enjoy reading it.